Our office is here to assist faculty and staff with all aspects related to contract and grant administration including monthly reports on the financial health of your accounts. Our skilled team of fund managers serve as your liaison to the Office of Contract & Grant Administration (OCGA) as well as the Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research (TDG-ISR). We are here to answer questions, provide guidance, and suggest the most efficient ways to approach the many policies and forms involved in research administration. Please see the link below for a faculty listing and their corresponding fund manager. If you do not yet have an assigned fund manager, please contact David Jaquez for assistance.
Departmental Response Times
Each director with their staff will determine a general response time for email, voice mail, and written correspondence.
- Correspondence in general is desired to have a response within 48 hours unless otherwise designated by the message.
Contracts and Grants Directory
David Jaquez
Director, Research Administration
(310) 206-6013
Marsha Blum
Assistant Director of Research Administration
(310) 206-6007
Arvin Chua
Senior Fund Manager
(310) 794-8916
Birgitte Hunt
Senior Fund Manager
(310) 794-5152
David Islas
Senior Fund Manager
(310) 206-4331
Wahid Ishrar
Fund Manager
(424) 259-5846
Kristina Villarico
Senior Fund Manager
(310) 825-9396
Troy Garretty
Senior Fund Manager
(310) 206-6013
Each faculty member is assigned a fund manager who will serve as a liaison between campus administrations.
Pre-Award Administration
The proposal submission process should be a joint effort between you and your fund manager. Please notify us with your intent to submit an application as soon as possible. The sooner the better as we often have several applications due on the same day. Your fund manager can initiate the administrative tasks and the budget preparation while you focus on the research plan. By collaborating with us early on, we can save valuable time and avoid submission delays. Please be reminded that Financial Services does not have signing authority to submit applications.
Timeline for Proposal Submissions
- 3-weeks prior to a proposal due date, we ask that PIs notify his/her assigned fund manager of an upcoming proposal deadline.
- Fund Manager will prepare an internal draft budget and justification with input from the PI.
- Once budget and project title are finalized, the fund manager will initiate all internal UCLA forms: EPASS, eDGE, 700U/740, etc.
- PI completes scientific and technical components of the proposal and sends those documents to the fund manager for completion of the proposal to OCGA.
- OCGA and/or the fund manager will notify PI to approve submission of the proposal.
- Once the review is complete and there are no further comments/changes, OCGA will submit the proposal electronically or email the submission to the sponsor.
Deadlines: All finalized proposal attachments are due to fund managers no later than 7 business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline.
- UCLA Policy 900 – Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility
- PI exception form 5.1.2024 (for those not a member of the Academic Senate)
- Proposal_Checklist
- Adding a Subaward or MCA in a Proposal
- Industry Sponsored Research Proposal Checklist
- OCGA Basic Procedures for Proposal Preparation
- OCGA Minimum Proposal Requirements
Building Your Budget
Please consult with your fund manager regarding budget preparation.
- LSPA Proposal Budget Basics
- LSPA Proposal Budget Checklist
- LSPA Budget Campus Fee Assessments
- 5-Year Detailed Budget
- Luskin General 1 Year Budget Template
- LSPA Budget Justification Template
- NIH Percent Time / Effort Conversion
Subaward Information & Forms
Forms needed during proposal preparation for each subaward, subcontract, and/or subrecipient:
- Subrecipient Statement of Work (request from sub, no standard form)
- Subrecipient Detailed Budget (request from sub, no standard form)
- Subrecipient Budget justification (request from sub, no standard form)
- Subrecipient F&A (indirect cost) rate agreement (request from sub, no standard form)
- UCLA Subrecipient Letter of Intent (LOI)
- UCOP MCA Commitment Form
- Any Other Proposal Documents Required by the Sponsor (request from sub, no standard form)
- For-Profit Subrecipients: The UCLA PI Must File a ‘Fair & Reasonable Cost Analysis’
Conflict of Interest in Research
UCLA must review significant financial interests to determine if they are related to the proposed research, and if so, whether they constitute financial conflicts of interest. To facilitate compliance with these regulations, UCLA has developed an electronic Disclosure Gateway system (eDGE) that will be used for submission of required disclosures.
Post-Award Administration
The post-award administration is a shared responsibility among the Office of Contract and Grant Administration, Extramural Fund Management, the Principal Investigator (PI), and Financial Services. The process shares responsibility for award management and ensures that, as a grant recipient, UCLA is a responsible steward of the sponsor’s resources.
- Award Set-Up (EFM/OCGA)
- Perform Work (PI/Department)
- Monitor Project and Manage Funds (PI/Fund Manager/EFM)
- Special Actions to Existing Awards: Re-budgeting, Carry Forwards, No-Cost Time Extensions, Supplements, and New Subawards (PI/Fund Manager/OCGA/EFM)
- Close-Out of the Award (PI/Fund Manager/EFM)
PI Resources
- EFM Fund Attributes Table
- For new hire and on-boarding procedures, please refer to the Personnel & Payroll section of this website for detailed information
- Office of Research Administration (ORA) Online Resource Center
- Effort Reporting
- Office of Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP)
- Policy 991 – Protection of Human Subjects in Research
- Publications Maintenance: Journal publications listed in myNCBI will link directly to your NIH eCommons page by using the “My Bibliography” feature in NCBI. This will facilitate uploading publications to NIH Progress Reports. (a) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (b) myNCBI Login
- SciENcv Publications Maintenance – NSF requirement for Biosketch & Other Support Documents
- Composite Benefit Rates (CBR)
- S2S Grants – Cayuse
- Research.gov