Do-It-Yourself Urbanism: Make Space
Urban design to activate the West LA Civic Center public space
Come MAKE SPACE at the West LA Civic Center: An afternoon of do-it-yourself urbanism in this iconic public space.
Through art, music, and sport, we invite local residents, businesses, planners, and designers to learn about the history and future of the West LA Civic Center, and to MAKE SPACE together.
- Bring your own chair and enjoy live music and food vendors, from the West LA Farmers Market
- Bring your own markers and crayons and join in an interactive art experience, presented by UCLA (Un)Common
- Bring your own ramps and objects and enter the skate contest, hosted by the Skatepark Project
- Bring your local knowledge and ideas and learn more about the West LA Civic Center, from the LA Conservancy
All are welcome at this free, public event. More details and schedule to be announced.
MAKE SPACE is presented by UCLA’s (Un)Common Public Space Group, with support from the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies and UCLA’s Urban Humanities Initiative.
Register at diyurbanism.eventbrite.com.
About the West LA Civic Center Plaza
Built between 1957 and 1965, the West LA Civic Center Plaza was created as a hub for administrative centers, including the West LA Courthouse, City Hall, and a regional branch library, whose Mid Century Modern design reflects the popular architectural styles and civic aspirations of the period. Since then, the Plaza and its buildings have been appropriated for alternative uses, such as skateboarding, a farmer’s market, a hangout for youth, and has at times provided shelter for unhoused residents. The entire Plaza is now slated for redevelopment, and community members and activists have called on city leaders to ensure that the space remains open to the needs and activities of alternative public space users. The intention of MAKE SPACE is to support these activists by raising awareness of their important contributions to the space and community at-large.
About (Un)Common
(Un)Common Public Space Group was started at the UCLA Luskin School for Public Affairs, by Ph.D. students in Urban Planning. Our mission is to host conversations about public space in situ and to connect diverse stakeholders in public space advocacy. MAKE SPACE is the third event we’ve organized, as part of a series of events about public space – in different LA neighborhoods and with multiple communities. Our first event sought to build intergenerational public space through musical performance and food. Our second event drew attention to nighttime experiences of public space through a community-led tour and design charrette.