The Institute on Inequality and Democracy will bring together scholars and organizers to have an in-depth discussion inspired by a recent white paper produced by the Urban Democracy Lab at NYU calling for the formation of a Social Housing Development Authority.
The webinar will be organized around a discussion of the following: The Public Stake in Vacant Property, More than State Ownership, Financial Futures, and Land Rents and Social Rents.
Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Urban Democracy Lab, NYU & H. Jacob Carlson, Brown University
Carroll Fife, Oakland City Council District 3
Melissa García Lamarca, Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Tara Raghuveer, KC Tenants and Homes Guarantee
Ojan Mobedshahi & Annie McShiras, East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative
Robert C. Hockett, Cornell Law School
Maurice BP-Weeks, Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE)
Moderated by Ananya Roy & Hannah Appel, UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy