Too Much & Not Enough: Housing Costs and Scarcity
11th Annual UCLA Downtown Los Angeles Forum on Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment
Presented by the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies
The housing crisis gripping Los Angeles and cities around the country has two primary, interconnected causes: The rent is too damn high for most people to afford without cost burdens, and the politics of supply make building more housing extremely complicated. The 2018 UCLA Downtown Los Angeles Forum will explore how these two ideas interact with and contradict one another, and how finding solutions to the housing crisis can become a debate about the role of government, market forces, and community groups in society.
Lunch keynote address:
Kathy Nyland
Director, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Confirmed speakers:
- Becky Dennison, Venice Community Housing
- Isela Gracian, East LA Community Corporation
- Jackie Hwang, Stanford University
- Michael Lens, UCLA
- Paavo Monkkonen, UCLA
- Shane Phillips, Central City Association
- Carolina Reid, UC Berkeley
- Jacqueline Waggoner, Enterprise Community Partners
- Ben Winter, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti
AICP credits available.
Lunch Provided. RSVP at https://ucladtlaforum2018.eventbrite.com