Rental housing registries require landlords to register and report basic information about their units, assisting with building inspections and enforcement of tenant protections. Roughly a dozen California cities already have rental housing registries, including Los Angeles, and the state legislature has considered establishing a statewide registry each of the past two years. On January 20, join a slate of panelists including Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, author of recent bills to expand registries statewide, to discuss the role of rental housing registries, obstacles to their adoption, and their potential to improve our understanding of the housing market and better protect California’s renter households.
- What are rental housing registries being used for today? Who benefits from them?
- What do opponents have to say about these registries, or what other hurdles exist to their creation? In particular, how are privacy concerns being addressed?
- What untapped potential do rental housing registries have? What could they do that they’re not currently being used for?
- Assembly member Buffy Wicks, California Assembly District 15
- Catherine Bracy, Executive Director, TechEquity Collaborative