The Luskin Undergraduate program invites you to an opportunity for dialogue with Luskin experts on activism, social movements, and participatory democracy. Four scholars in this area, Veronica Herrera, May Lin, Amy Ritterbusch, and Karen Umemoto, have graciously agreed to give their time to an informal event for you to ask them questions about the current historical moment.
We will begin the event with each panelist introducing herself and her expertise, and offering brief thoughts about recent events and what they mean for the future. The bulk of the event will be devoted to our experts responding to students’ questions, so please come with questions.
RSVP is required. Please RSVP here in order to receive the Zoom link. The Zoom link will be sent to students in a confirmation email prior to the event.
Q&A logistics:
During this event, students can submit questions using the chat function to contact our host directly or the “raise hand” function to ask your question verbally. Otherwise, please keep your audio muted to respect others.
This workshop may be photographed or recorded. Please review our notice of photography here: https://ucla.box.com/s/28d41n8jroh3bp24cs6bxtuoz7le1ten
Community Principles for this Event
(This is a living document, which means that these principles will evolve as we try them out.)
When joining this event, participants agree to:
• avoid assumptions or generalizations about social groups
• ask questions that are on their minds, without fear that others will judge their questions negatively
• ask questions respectfully
• listen respectfully and actively
• be open to changing their perspective