UCLA Arrowhead Series: Air Quality, Safety, and Well-Being Consequences of Transportation Impacts
When millions reduced their travel, local air quality improved and the rate and severity of traffic crashes decreased. But what were the impacts on individual mental health? And what can we learn about the personal psychological utility of travel by understanding the stressors imposed on those without access to a personal vehicle? Also, how are these observed travel changes impacting our understanding of transportation systems, which are derived from modeling and forecasting?
Offer Grembek
Co-Director, UC Berkeley SafeTREC
Cesunica Ivey
Assistant Professor, UC Riverside College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology
Sang Hyouk Oum
Applications Program Manager, UC Berkeley SafeTREC
Madeleine Parker
Professor, UC Berkeley
The UCLA Arrowhead Symposium presents the remote learning series Not “Back to Normal:” Mapping a Just Transportation Recovery from COVID-19. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, transportation agencies have suffered a profound shock, after already struggling with ages of systemwide inequities and inefficiencies. The intensity and speed with which COVID-19 spread through communities around the globe forced quick and often difficult adaptations by the industry. These challenges were exacerbated by transportation’s history of rigid and slow-changing systems. Returning “back to normal” would mean returning to an era of declining transit ridership, chronic congestion, unsafe streets, regressive finance, and persistent mobility challenges for economically and socially vulnerable populations.
Registration Info:
$79 – Guarantees access to all 10 sessions and recorded materials, plus ability to interact with speakers, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and more. Scholarships available for full registration access.
Free – Observer-only access.
Ready to register? uclaarrowhead2020.eventbrite.com