UCLA Luskin students and alumni, don’t miss this opportunity to learn about current and upcoming job and internship opportunities! At the fair, employers will have the opportunity to share information about their organization with potential applicants, collect resumes from graduating masters students and alumni of our program, as well as network with other employers in public, private, and non-profit sectors.EmployersAdditional details about the fair (directions to campus, parking, table set-up) will be sent via email. Table set-up and registration will begin at 3:00pm and doors will open to students and alumni at 4pm.Fair participation is free of charge for employers. Light refreshments and courtesy parking permits will be provided.Student and Alumni Job Seekers:The full list of employers attending the fair will be sent via email in late March to those who have registered. Please RSVP at eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-ucla-luskin-public-affairs-career-fair-tickets-13394404023
Calendar of Events

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