How to Make Money Moving People Around Cities (Hint: Best of Luck!)
A lecture with Joshua Schank
Private mobility providers have launched (theoretically) for-profit services throughout Los Angeles and urban areas worldwide. While these companies struggle to survive financially, they have nonetheless introduced many new innovations that show the potential to improve mobility, reduce emissions, and even improve transportation equity. The public sector’s job is to figure out how best to harness these innovations towards such public policy goals. This talk will discuss some of the ways LA Metro and its Office of Extraordinary Innovation are experimenting with partnerships with private mobility providers in order to sustain these innovations even after these new companies run out of venture capital funding.
Joshua L. Schank is the first Chief Innovation Officer at LA Metro in the Office of Extraordinary Innovation. The role of this office is to champion new ideas to improve mobility in LA County. OEI is also responsible for LA Metro’s Public Private Partnership, and strategic planning. Prior to joining LA Metro, Schank was president/CEO of the Eno Center for Transportation. Schank holds a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from Columbia University.
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