Public Policy for Innovation in the Digital Age: Creating a Digitally Fluent Workforce

PUBLIC POLICY FOR INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE SERIESCreating a Digitally Fluent WorkforceVIEW HIGHLIGHTS, PHOTOS, AND VIDEOModeratorJohn Villasenor Professor of Electrical Engineering and Public Policy, UCLA and Digital Technology Initiative Director, UCLA Luskin Center for InnovationPanelistsLori Harnick General Manager, Citizenship & Public Affairs, MicrosoftSarah Holland Public Policy, GoogleJane Margolis Senior Researcher, UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information StudiesTodd […]

Public Policy for Innovation in the Digital Age: Preventing Technology-Facilitated Exploitation

PUBLIC POLICY FOR INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE SERIESPreventing Technology-Facilitated ExploitationModeratorJohn Villasenor Professor of Public Policy and Electrical Engineering, UCLAPanelistsErnie Allen President & CEO, International Centre for Missing & Exploited ChildrenAdrian Chandley Principal Program Manager Lead, MicrosoftAmanda Hess Staff Writer, SlateCody Monk Special Agent, Federal Bureau of InvestigationThe Internet technologies have brought new avenues for exploitation involving child pornography, […]