Bay Area Alumni Reception
California Historical Society 678 Mission Street, San Francicso, CA, United StatesAlumni from Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning are invited for an evening of UCLA Luskin camaraderie.
Alumni from Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning are invited for an evening of UCLA Luskin camaraderie.
Intended for prospective students, information sessions provide helpful information about the MPP program and the application process. This is an informal setting that is ideal for asking questions and learning more about […]
Alumni from Public Policy celebrate 20 Years & the 2018 Alumna of the Year.
UCLA Luskin welcomes new students, who learn about campus and School resources.
UCLA will recognize his achievements with presentation of the UCLA Medal. Registration has closed; the event will be streamed live on the UCLA Luskin homepage.
Explore careers in public affairs and learn the ins and outs of the graduate application process.
Discuss "From Public Transit to Public Mobility" at 28th annual gathering of public, private, nonprofit and academic leaders.
Education Pioneers recruits, develops, and connects professionals from diverse backgrounds to solve problems from outside of the classroom so students and teachers succeed inside of the classroom. Come by to hear about our fellowship opportunities.
Learn about campus environmental organizations, student resources, jobs and other funding opportunities. Make connections. Free food and refreshments.
This event is intended for second year masters students within the Luskin School of Public Affairs to prepare them for their job search. The workshop will cover where and how to start the job search, what strategies are most effective, and how to best utilize and expand your network.