Ulises Ramirez
Ulises Ramirez
Lecturer of Social Welfare

B.A., Psychology, UCLA
Areas of Interest:
uramirezlcsw@gmail.comUlises Ramirez is a bilingual and bicultural licensed clinical social worker. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Masters in Social Welfare from UCLA. Mr. Ramirez has received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) certifications from the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and the National Institute of Mental Health and began teaching the CBT course at UCLA’s Luskin Department of Social Welfare in 2010.
Mr. Ramirez retired from the Los Angeles County of Department of Mental Health (DMH) after 27 years of service. He dedicated his DMH career at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry. Mr. Ramirez worked as a Psychiatric Social Worker, Mental Health Clinical Supervisor and as the Director of social work training. He was an MSW field instructor for 23 years and provided CBT and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) supervision to psychiatry residents and psychology externs. He was involved in the dissemination of CBT and Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy treatments for the Los Angeles County’s department of mental health by supervising clinicians from directly and county contracted clinics.
Mr. Ramirez’ is intensively trained in DBT and was the clinical lead of the English and Spanish-speaking DBT programs at Harbor-UCLA. His interest in third-wave behavior therapies has also led him to receive intensive training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and supervision by Robyn Walser, PhD. Additionally, Mr. Ramirez is certified as a practitioner and supervisor in PE therapy, a treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder.
Mr. Ramirez has been committed to providing culturally competent evidence-based practice treatment and was one of the founders of the Spanish-speaking clinic at Harbor-UCLA. He has performed training workshops and presentations on CBT, PE and DBT with the Latino population at several conferences. Mr. Ramirez is a co-author of the Cultural Competency and Dialectical Behavior Therapy chapter in the book Cultural Issues in Acceptance and Mindfulness Based Approaches.
Presently, in addition to teaching the CBT class at UCLA, Mr. Ramirez continues his clinical work through private practice. Additionally, he recently joined Argentina’s Universidad de Palermo’s master’s in cognitive behavioral therapy program where he will be teaching a DBT course.