Click any heading to see the full announcement.

woman in green suite gestures while she speaks

L.A. Mayor Focuses on the Need for Housing Solutions During UCLA Luskin Summit

Karen Bass joins discussions on the value of research about issues like homelessness, climate resilience, governance and transportation equity.
a man and woman surrounded by moving boxes

L.A. County Residents’ Satisfaction With Quality of Life Matches Lowest in Year 9 of Survey

High cost of housing is the most important factor impacting the annual Quality of Life Index, particularly among renters.
man in academic regalia at podium

‘Have the Courage to Create the World We All Deserve to Live In’

Commencement speaker Michael Tubbs challenges UCLA Luskin's Class of 2023 to use their education for the greater good.


Upcoming Events

Incoming graduate students from Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning will learn about resources at UCLA Luskin and across campus.

This is the one night of the year that all of UCLA Luskin comes together! All students, current and emeriti faculty, and alumni from all departments are invited.

We are hosting a professional photographer to take headshots for graduate students to use for their LinkedIn profiles, professional conferences, symposia, etc.

We are hosting a professional photographer to take headshots for graduate students to use for their LinkedIn profiles, professional conferences, symposia, etc.

We are hosting a professional photographer to take headshots for graduate students to use for their LinkedIn profiles, professional conferences, symposia, etc.


Fall Quarter: SW 229A, SW 249A, SW 284A, Statistics course

Winter Quarter: SW 229B, SW 249B, SW 284B, Statistics course

Spring Quarter: SW 229C, SW 249C, SW 284C, Outside course (Statistics or other), oral comprehensive exam preparation (independent study) if desired


File Individualized Development Plan by May 30

File annual Progress Report by May 30

Participate in the End of the Year Consultation in June (scheduled in Spring quarter)


Fall Quarter: Social & Behavioral Science course, SW 286C, advanced statistics or advanced research methods

Winter Quarter: Social & Behavioral Science course, SW 286C, advanced statistics or advanced research methods

Spring Quarter: Social & Behavioral Science course, SW 286C, advanced statistics or advanced research methods


The first deadline to submit your written exam (publishable paper) is September 15.

Note: Faculty evaluate the publishable paper using this form.

File Mentored Research Project Plan by October 15.

File Study Plan by December 1.

File annual Progress Report by May 30.

File Mentored Research Project Report by June 1.


Fall Quarter: SW 596B

Winter and Spring Quarters: SW 596B, SW 258


The last deadline to submit your written exam (publishable paper) is December 15.

Note: Faculty evaluate the publishable paper using this form.

File annual Progress Report by May 30.


SW 599


File annual Progress Report by May 30.

TBA: Constitute Dissertation Committee

TBA: Defend Dissertation Proposal/File Advancement to Candidacy Form

TBA: Schedule and Defend Dissertation