Regents Lecture: Nithya Raman

We know how to motivate people at the voting booth. Now, how do we keep the electorate engaged to achieve a greater L.A.?

Chat with the Chair Spring 2022

Public Affairs Building front lawn 337 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Public Affairs Undergraduate Program invites you to attend the Spring 2022 Chat with the Chair for an opportunity to speak with the Department Chair, Dr. Meredith Phillips, Luskin counselors, […]

Luskin Spring Career Fair

UCLA Luskin graduate students looking for internships and full-time positions are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to network with potential future employers.

Greenlining Institute

2355 Public Affairs 337 Charles E Young Dr, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Daniel Guzman Ramirez, Associate Director of Greenlining Institute will talk about the mission and vision of Greenlining as well as graduate and undergraduate opportunities for jobs and internships. Graduate students: […]

Perloff Lecture: Dale Jamieson

Bruin Viewpoint Room, Ackerman Union at UCLA 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The NYU professor of environmental studies and philosophy is an expert on the complex relationships between environmental and animal protection, especially food and conservation.

Luskin Summit: Closing Sessions

Zev Yaroslavsky will unveil the results of the seventh annual Quality of Life Index. Then, Jim Newton will interview former governors Gray Davis and Pete Wilson on "The State of California."

Regents’ Lecture: Elizabeth Yeampierre

Join the internationally recognized Puerto Rican environmental/climate justice leader for a talk titled, "Climate Justice: Building the Path for a Just Transition."

MSW Alumni Career Panel


Hear a panel of Luskin MSW alums talk about their career trajectories and have a chance to ask questions and talk with them after the panel from the comfort of your own home! Register on CareerHub.