illustration of bloated statehouse

Testing the Effectiveness of Big Government

An Economist article about “Lumbering Leviathans” — governments around the world that are growing bigger and bigger with little benefit for their people — cited research from the Berggruen Governance Index. While it can be difficult to measure the efficiency of government bureaucracies, the article credits the index with devising a cross-country analysis of state capacity using objective measures, such as tax revenue, and subjective measures, such as perceptions of corruption. The Bergguen Governance Index, directed by UCLA Luskin Adjunct Professor Helmut Anheier, issues reports on its major findings as well as on individual countries. The team recently released “Tunisia’s Autocratic Resurgence” ahead of the country’s Oct. 6 elections. The report examines Tunisia’s democratic rise and possible fall in the 14 years since the “Arab Spring.”


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