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Torres-Gil on Retirement Security for Latinas

A New York Times story on efforts to equip Latinas to save for retirement cited Fernando Torres-Gil, professor of social welfare and public policy. Latinas, who are among the longest-living yet lowest-earning groups in America, have faced challenges ensuring that their later years are financially secure. But that trend is changing, in part due to an increasing number of Hispanic women who are entering higher education. “They’re recognizing that they have to depend on themselves first, and they’re far more likely than previous cohorts to invest or have access to 401(k)s,” said Torres-Gil, an authority on demographics, disability and the politics of aging. He teaches his students that social programs meant to lift women out of poverty are essential. “We have to reinforce for them the critical importance of keeping Social Security,” he said. “Because a lot of them know it’s important for their elders, but they don’t think they’ll ever see a check themselves.”


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