In addition to offering the B.A. in Public Affairs, the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs offers three minor programs: Public Affairs, Urban and Regional Studies, and Gerontology.

The Minor in Public Affairs teaches students the skills of policy analysis and exposes them to the many issues facing today’s policymakers and opinion leaders. The Minor in Urban and Regional Studies offers students a means to address some of the most pressing issues faced by our cities and communities at the urban and regional level. The Minor in Gerontology provides students with a foundational understanding of the current state of science related to human aging and enables them to contribute, personally and professionally, to a diverse aging society.

If you are interested in pursuing a Luskin minor, contact the Public Affairs Undergraduate Program via MyUCLA Message Center (or, click the ‘Contact Us’ icon below).

Public Affairs Minor
Gerontology Minor
Urban and Regional Studies Minor
Contact Us

Public Affairs Minor

The Public Affairs minor teaches undergraduate students the skills of policy analysis and exposes them to many of the local, state, national, and international issues facing today’s policymakers and opinion leaders. Courses explore the public (governmental) and nonprofit sectors and provide a theoretical, conceptual, and practical foundation for students. Particular attention is given to the vexing issues facing urban areas and urban planners, social welfare and social workers, and public policies that affect individuals and groups of people in their public and private lives.

The Public Affairs minor requires a subset of the courses required for the major in Public Affairs. A key difference is that minors are not able to enroll in the three-quarter experiential learning capstone experience.

Below are the requirements for the Minor in Public Affairs effective Winter 2019. The minor requires a total of 7 courses outlined below. Click the link Overview of the Public Affairs Minor (catalog 19W+) to download a printable handout.

Lower Division Courses (2 courses):

  • Public Affairs 10 (complete with a grade of B or better)
  • Public Affairs 40 (Microeconomics) or Public Affairs 60 (Statistics)
    • Notes:
      • Requests to substitute the lower division courses will not be approved.
      • Effective Fall 2023, Public Affairs 60 is not open for credit to students with credit for Economics 41, Political Science 6, Statistics 10, 12, 13, or 15.
      • Students who have completed ECON 41 / POL SCI 6 / STATS 10/12/13/15 in lieu of Public Affairs 60 should enroll in Public Affairs 40 as their second lower division course.
      • Students who have completed ECON 1 in lieu of Public Affairs 40 should enroll in Public Affairs 60 as their second lower division course.
      • Students who have completed both ECON 1 and ECON 41 / POL SCI 6 / STATS 10/12/13/15 are not eligible to enroll in Public Affairs 40 or Public Affairs 60. These students may petition to satisfy the Public Affairs 40/60 requirement by completing an additional upper division Public Affairs elective. Students should contact the Luskin Minor counselor via the MyUCLA Message Center to discuss the course substitution petition process.

Upper Division Courses (5 courses):

Students must complete five upper division courses by following either Plan I or Plan II:

  • Plan I: Complete two upper division theory/methods courses from the approved list (see below) and three upper division electives from the approved list (see below).
  • Plan II: Complete three upper division theory/methods courses from the approved list (see below) and two upper division electives from the approved list (see below).

Below is the list of approved upper division courses for the Public Affairs Minor:

  • Choose two or three upper division theory and methods courses from the following lists:
    • Theory Courses
      • PUB AFF M109. Introduction to Cities and Planning (4 units)
      • PUB AFF 110. The Urban Revolution: Space and Society in a Global Context (4 units)
      • PUB AFF 111. Microeconomics: Addressing Market Failures and Inequality (4 units)
      • PUB AFF 112. Social Movements (4 units)
      • PUB AFF 113. Policy Analysis: Approaches to Addressing Social Problems (4 units)
      • PUB AFF 114. People, Organizations, and Systems (4 units)
    • Methods Courses
      • PUB AFF 115. Using Quantitative Methods to Understand Social Problems and their Potential Solutions (5 units)
      • PUB AFF 116. Using Qualitative Methods to Understand Social Problems and their Potential Solutions (5 units)
  • Choose two or three upper division elective courses from the Luskin School of Public Affairs courses numbered 100-199.
    • Elective courses will vary year to year, please see the Upper Division Offerings for the current options. Students may choose from upper division, undergraduate courses (100-199) within any of the four Luskin School academic units:
      • Public Affairs (PUB AFF)
      • Public Policy (PUB PLC)
      • Social Welfare (SOC WLF)
      • Urban Planning (URBN PL)

Requirements to Enter the Minor

To be eligible to declare the minor, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good academic standing and have an overall grade-point average of 2.0; and
  • Complete Public Affairs 10 with a grade of B or better; and
  • Be able to complete all degree requirements, including requirements for the minor, within their time-to-degree and 216 unit maximum.

Process for Declaring the Minor

To declare the Public Affairs minor, students must complete the following:

  • (1) Submit the Request to Declare the Public Affairs Minor form (linked here).
  • (2) After you complete the Request to Declare the Minor form, meet with a Luskin academic counselor to review your eligibility to declare the minor.
  • (3) Meet with their academic counseling unit to review their degree progress, time-to-degree, and unit maximum. It is recommended that students meet with their academic counseling unit prior to submitting this form.

Students who have completed 150+ units must schedule an appointment with a Luskin School of Public Affairs undergraduate academic counselor before their request to declare the minor can be processed.


  • Effective Fall 2023, Public Affairs 60 is not open for credit to students with credit for Economics 41, Political Science 6, Statistics 10, 12, 13, or 15.
  • Public Affairs 40/60 requirement:
    • Requests to substitute the Public Affairs 40 (microeconomics) and Public Affairs 60 (statistics) lower division courses will not be approved. If a student has taken a course in statistics or economics it is recommended that they take the other course to satisfy the second lower division requirement.
    • Public Affairs minors who have completed ECON 41 / POL SCI 6 / STATS 10/12/13/15 in lieu of Public Affairs 60 should enroll in Public Affairs 40 as their second lower division course.
    • Public Affairs minors who have completed ECON 1 in lieu of Public Affairs 40 should enroll in Public Affairs 60 as their second lower division course.
    • Public Affairs minors who have completed both ECON 1 and ECON 41 / POL SCI 6 / STATS 10/12/13/15 are not eligible to enroll in Public Affairs 40 or Public Affairs 60. These students may petition to satisfy the Public Affairs 40/60 requirement by completing an additional upper division Public Affairs elective. Students should contact the Luskin Minor counselor via the MyUCLA Message Center to discuss the course substitution petition process.
  • By petition only, students may request to use one outside course (not from a Luskin academic unit) as an elective towards the minor.
  • Fieldwork and internship courses, such as Social Welfare 130A, 130B, may not be applied toward the minor.
  • A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.
  • Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better.
  • Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.
  • Effective Fall 2020, students pursuing the Public Affairs major cannot pursue a minor in Public Affairs or Urban and Regional Studies.

Course Offerings

To help you plan your minor, you can view the Luskin undergraduate course offerings for the academic year on the Enrollment Procedures website. We recommend that you meet regularly with a Luskin counselor to ensure you are making progress in your minor.

Enrollment Restrictions and Passes

Most Luskin undergraduate courses (Public Affairs, Urban Planning, Social Welfare, Gerontology, Public Policy) have the enrollment restrictions noted below. To view specific restrictions for each course, please review the “Class Notes” on the Schedule of Classes

  • First Pass: Public Affairs pre-majors and majors can enroll in Public Affairs courses. 
  • Second Pass (first week)Public Affairs pre-majors and majors, Gerontology minors, Public Affairs minors, and Urban and Regional Studies minors, can enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting.
  • Second Pass (after the first week): Any student may enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting. Specific dates will be posted in the Schedule of Classes in the Class Notes section of the course description.

You can view detailed information about enrollment restrictions and passes for Luskin undergraduate courses on the Enrollment Procedures website.

Prior to declaring the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin courses after the first week of second pass. After you declare the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin undergraduate courses once your second pass begins.

PTE Requests

If a Luskin undergraduate course is at capacity, you can request a PTE number by submitting the PTE request form. Please note that PTE requests are not guaranteed approval.


For questions about enrollment in Luskin undergraduate courses, please contact the Public Affairs Undergraduate Program via MyUCLA Message Center.

The Luskin School of Public Affairs Undergraduate Program provides academic counseling services to undergraduate students pursuing the Public Affairs Minor. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday at 9am-4pm (except University holidays). To meet with a Public Affairs Minor academic counselor, submit your appointment request via MyUCLA Message Center.

Gerontology Minor

The UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs’ Department of Social Welfare, in collaboration with the School of Medicine Division of Geriatrics and the School of Public Health, offers the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Minor (GIM).

Undergraduate students may enroll in the interdisciplinary GIM, which utilizes UCLA’s professional schools and College resources to create an enhanced academic experience in aging.

The GIM provides UCLA students the following: a foundation understanding of the current state of the science related to the biopsychosocial aspects of human aging, an ability to assess longevity’s potential contribution and challenge to contemporary society, an appreciation of the diversity of aging over the life course and its impact on late life outcomes, and the opportunity to relate knowledge of gerontology to life-long personal and professional contributions to a diverse aging society.

Below are the requirements for the Minor in Gerontology. The minor requires a total of 7 courses outlined below. Click the link Overview of the Gerontology Minor to download a printable handout.

Core Course (1 course, 5 units)

  • Gerontology M108/Social Welfare M108/Public Affairs M130 with a grade of B or better
    • Note: If you are or have been a freshman GE Aging Cluster 80A student and earned a grade of B or better, as well as have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better, you do not have to take M108. Successful completion of this cluster sequence counts for M108 and one elective course.

Elective Courses (4 courses, 16 units)

  • Choose four courses from the following options:
    • Public Health:
      • COM HLT 283: Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs for Older Adults
      • COM HLT 290: Race, Class, Culture, and Aging
      • COM HLT 291: Health Policy and Aged
    • Psychology
      • PSYCH 124C: Human Memory
      • PSYCH 124G: Cognition and Successful Aging
      • PSYCH 150: Introduction to Health Psychology
    • Interdepartmental Base/Cross-listed
      • GER M104C (PUB AFF M131, CHS M106B): Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
      • GER M104D (SW M104D): Public Policy and Aging
      • GER M119O (PSYCH M119O): Psychology of Aging
      • GER M119X (PSYCH M119X): Biology and Behavioral Neuroscience of Aging
      • GER M142XP (SW M142XP): Intergenerational Communication across Lifespan
      • GER M165 (DIS STUD M130, SW M165): Disability Policy and Services in Contemporary America

Capstone Requirement (2 courses, 8 units)

  • Choose two courses from the following options:
    • GER 199 Research Internship with Faculty Member
    • GER 195 Corporate or community partnership
    • Students may elect to do two 199 or two 195 courses to fulfill these 8 units

To petition courses not on this list, please visit our Petitions webpage here to learn more about how to petition non-Luskin courses to apply toward the minor. Be advised that approval is not guaranteed. 

Requirements to Enter the Minor

To be eligible to declare the Gerontology Minor, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good academic standing and have an overall grade-point average of 2.0
  • Complete Gerontology M108/Social Welfare M108/Public Affairs M130 with a grade of B or better
    • Note: If you completed the GE Aging Cluster 80A course and earned a grade of B or better, as well as have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better, you do not have to take GERO M108 to declare. Successful completion of this Cluster sequence counts for the core course and one elective course.
  • Be able to complete all degree requirements, including requirements for the minor, within their time-to-degree and 216 unit maximum.

Process for Declaring the Minor

To declare the Gerontology minor, students must complete the following:

  • (1) Submit the Request to Declare the Gerontology Minor form (linked here).
  • (2) After you complete the Request to Declare the Minor form, meet with a Luskin academic counselor to review your eligibility to declare the minor.
  • (3) Meet with their academic counseling unit to review their degree progress, time-to-degree, and unit maximum. It is recommended that students meet with their academic counseling unit prior to submitting this form.

Students who have completed 150+ units must schedule an appointment with a Luskin School of Public Affairs undergraduate academic counselor before their request to declare the minor can be processed.


  • A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.
  • Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better.
  • Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.

Course Offerings

To help you plan your minor, you can view the Luskin undergraduate course offerings for the academic year on the Enrollment Procedures website. We recommend that you meet regularly with a Luskin counselor to ensure you are making progress in your minor.

Enrollment Restrictions and Passes

Most Luskin undergraduate courses (Public Affairs, Urban Planning, Social Welfare, Gerontology, Public Policy) have the enrollment restrictions noted below. To view specific restrictions for each course, please review the “Class Notes” on the Schedule of Classes

  • First Pass: Public Affairs pre-majors and majors can enroll in Public Affairs courses. 
  • Second Pass (first week)Public Affairs pre-majors and majors, Gerontology minors, Public Affairs minors, and Urban and Regional Studies minors, can enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting.
  • Second Pass (after the first week): Any student may enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting. Specific dates will be posted in the Schedule of Classes in the Class Notes section of the course description.

You can view detailed information about enrollment restrictions and passes for Luskin undergraduate courses on the Enrollment Procedures website.

Prior to declaring the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin courses after the first week of second pass. After you declare the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin undergraduate courses once your second pass begins.

PTE Requests

If a Luskin undergraduate course is at capacity, you can request a PTE number by submitting the PTE request form. Please note that PTE requests are not guaranteed approval.


For questions about enrollment in Luskin undergraduate courses, please contact the Public Affairs Undergraduate Program via MyUCLA Message Center.

The Luskin School of Public Affairs Undergraduate Program provides academic counseling services to undergraduate students pursuing the Gerontology Minor. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday at 9am-4pm (except University holidays). To meet with a Gerontology Minor academic counselor, submit your appointment request via MyUCLA Message Center.

Urban and Regional Studies Minor

The scale, diversity, balkanized governance, and natural environment of Southern California all contribute to making it an extraordinary natural laboratory for learning about urban and regional issues, whether the focus is on immigration, employment, the built environment, transportation, poverty, natural resources or a host of other challenges. The Minor in Urban and Regional Studies offers undergraduates a means of addressing some of these issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, offering a balanced mixture of theory, practice, and service learning courses.

Below are the requirements for the Minor in Urban and Regional Studies effective Winter 2022. The minor requires a total of 7 courses outlined below. Click the link Overview of the Urban and Regional Studies Minor (catalog 22W+) to download a printable handout.

Required Core Course (1 course, 4 units):

  • Urban Planning M120/PUB AFF M109 or URBN PL 121 (formerly, Urban Planning M121/PUB AFF M150) with a grade of C or better.

Required Upper Division Course (5 courses, 20 units):

  • Five upper division Urban Planning/Public Affairs courses, from the list below, are required. Students may petition to satisfy up to two upper division courses for the minor with courses offered in departments other than Urban Planning and Public Affairs.
    • URBN PL M120/PUB AFF M109 (Introduction to Cities and Planning)
    • URBN PL M121/PUB AFF M150 (Urban Policy and Planning)
    • URBN PL 141 (Planning with Minority Communities)
    • URBN PL M150 (Transportation Geography)
    • URBN PL M165 (Environmentalism: Past, Present, and Future)
    • PUB AFF 110 (Urban Revolution: Space and Society in a Global Context)
    • PUB AFF 120 (Urban Poverty and Policy)
    • PUB AFF 121 (Race, Class, Gender, and Spatial Inequality)
    • PUB AFF 140 (Race, Rights, and Citizenship)
    • PUB AFF M142 (Latino Social Policy)
    • PUB AFF 148 (US Housing Policy)
    • PUB AFF 149 (International Housing Policy)
    • PUB AFF M153/URBN PL CM151 (Parking)
    • PUB AFF 154 (Green Transportation)
    • PUB AFF M157/URBN PL CM157 (Built Environment and Health)
    • PUB AFF M159/URBN PL M168 (Politics of Water)
    • PUB AFF M160/URBN PL M161 (Urban Sustainability)
    • Electives may be added to this list as additional undergraduate courses are offered. Any URBN PL class from 100 – 199 is permitted

Additional Upper Division Elective (1 course, 4 units):

  • Select one of the two options below:
    • OPTION 1: Complete one capstone course from: URBN PL 185 SL; URBN PL 195, PUB AFF 195 or PUB AFF 195CE; or URBN PL 199 or PUB AFF 199 (4 units)
    • OPTION 2: In lieu of completing a capstone, students may take one additional Urban Planning/Public Affairs upper division (4 units) elective, selected from the list above.

Students can petition to apply up to two courses from the course list below to satisfy an upper division elective for the Urban and Regional Studies minor.

To petition to apply these courses to the minor, please submit the Undergraduate Student Petition and a copy of the course syllabus. Click here to access the petition. Please submit your petition via MyUCLA Message Center and allow 10-15 business days for review. Be advised that approval is not guaranteed.

  • African American Studies M120 (same as Public Policy M120)
  • Anthropology 146 (formerly 167)
  • Architecture & Urban Design CM153
  • Arts Education M102
  • Art History 132, C145A
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering 180, 181
  • Chicano Studies M106, 120, M122, M127, M128, M130, 132, 181, 191 (depends on topic)
  • Economics 134 (formally M134), M134B, 137
  • Environment M153 (same as Architecture & Urban Design CM153)
  • Geography M125, M127, 148, 160, 161, 169A, 171C, 180
  • Global Studies 100B
  • History 145A
  • Management 180
  • Sociology 158, 180B

To petition courses not on this list, please visit our Petitions webpage here to learn more about how to petition non-Luskin courses to apply toward the minor.

Requirements to Enter the Minor

To be eligible to declare the Urban and Regional Studies minor, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good academic standing and have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better; and
  • Have completed 90 or more units; and
  • Complete Urban Planning M120/PUB AFF M109 or Urban Planning  M121/PUB AFF M150 with a grade of C or better; and
  • Be able to complete all degree requirements, including requirements for the minor, within their time-to-degree and 216 unit maximum.
  • Recommended: An introductory course in geography, political science, or sociology

Process for Declaring the Minor

To declare the Urban and Regional Studies minor, students must complete the following:

  • (1) Submit the Request to Declare the Urban and Regional Studies Minor form (linked here).
  • (2) After you complete the Request to Declare the Minor form, meet with a Luskin academic counselor to review your eligibility to declare the minor.
  • (3) Meet with their academic counseling unit to review their degree progress, time-to-degree, and unit maximum. It is recommended that students meet with their academic counseling unit prior to submitting this form.

Students who have completed 150+ units must schedule an appointment with a Luskin School of Public Affairs undergraduate academic counselor before their request to declare the minor can be processed.


  • No more than two courses from outside the Luskin School may be applied towards the minor (this includes courses from Study Abroad). Courses that are not included on the Approved Outside (non-Luskin) Courses list must be petitioned through the Undergraduate Minor Advisor.
  • A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor.
  • Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better.
  • Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.
  • Effective Fall 2020, students pursuing the Public Affairs major cannot pursue a minor in Public Affairs or Urban and Regional Studies.

Course Offerings

To help you plan your minor, you can view the Luskin undergraduate course offerings for the academic year on the Enrollment Procedures website. We recommend that you meet regularly with a Luskin counselor to ensure you are making progress in your minor.

Enrollment Restrictions and Passes

Most Luskin undergraduate courses (Public Affairs, Urban Planning, Social Welfare, Gerontology, Public Policy) have the enrollment restrictions noted below. To view specific restrictions for each course, please review the “Class Notes” on the Schedule of Classes

  • First Pass: Public Affairs pre-majors and majors can enroll in Public Affairs courses. 
  • Second Pass (first week)Public Affairs pre-majors and majors, Gerontology minors, Public Affairs minors, and Urban and Regional Studies minors, can enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting.
  • Second Pass (after the first week): Any student may enroll in Public Affairs courses, space permitting. Specific dates will be posted in the Schedule of Classes in the Class Notes section of the course description.

You can view detailed information about enrollment restrictions and passes for Luskin undergraduate courses on the Enrollment Procedures website.

Prior to declaring the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin courses after the first week of second pass. After you declare the minor, you will have access to enroll in Luskin undergraduate courses once your second pass begins.

PTE Requests

If a Luskin undergraduate course is at capacity, you can request a PTE number by submitting the PTE request form. Please note that PTE requests are not guaranteed approval.


For questions about enrollment in Luskin undergraduate courses, please contact the Public Affairs Undergraduate Program via MyUCLA Message Center.

The Luskin School of Public Affairs Undergraduate Program provides academic counseling services to undergraduate students pursuing the Urban and Regional Studies Minor. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday at 9am-4pm (except University holidays). To meet with an Urban and Regional Studies Minor academic counselor, submit your appointment request via MyUCLA Message Center.