MURP Handbook

A Guide to the Policies, Procedures, and Practices of the Urban Planning MURP Program at UCLA

University Policies

All masters students at UCLA are subject to university-wide policies and procedures governing study for the MURP degree.  These policies and procedures are administered by the UCLA Graduate Division, which is a campus-wide unit dedicated to ensuring high quality graduate degree programs at UCLA.  Some of the most important of these requirements are summarized below.  For additional details on these and other policies and procedures, refer to Standards & Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA.

Throughout their studies all students must be registered continuously or on approved leave of absence or their student status will lapse.   Leaves of absence are normally granted for periods of one to three quarters, a total of one year, at the request of the student, with the approval of the Graduate Division. Students who fail to return to the University after being on an official leave of absence, or who leave the University without an official leave of absence, must apply for readmission to graduate study.

Please review the Leave of Absence Request page for more information.

The grade of Incomplete (I) is given only for good cause. Students who fail to complete the requirements of a course should not expect to automatically receive an Incomplete but should contact the faculty member in charge of the course prior to the end of the quarter to request an Incomplete. If the coursework is not completed by the end of the next full quarter in residence, the Incomplete will lapse automatically to an F or U. With consent of the instructor, coursework may be completed in a later quarter and the appropriate grade assigned then. The lapsed Incomplete, however, remains an F or U on the student’s record until the final grade is received. Please note that the I will remain on the transcript even after the grade is assigned.

In addition to completing the course work, to remove an Incomplete students must ask the Graduate Advisor to give the faculty member a UCLA Report of Academic Revision which will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office (by the Graduate Advisor) when the faculty member has assigned a grade and signed the form. (The student’s SBAR account will be billed $5 for the removal of an incomplete.)

Students must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) in all course-work undertaken, as required by the academic senate. Students failing to do so are placed on probation. Students whose cumulative GPA is below 3.0 for any three quarters will be asked to withdraw from the Program.

Any course that receives a grade below C will not be permitted to count towards the degree. Any student who receives a grade below C should consult with the Graduate Advisor.

The UC Intercampus Exchange Program is for graduate students who seek the opportunity for contact with scholars, fields of study, and facilities not available on their home campus.

UCLA Urban Planning students have a one semester limit on intercampus exchanges with any UC campus. Any request for an extension beyond the one semester limit must be accompanied by a proposal explaining why this is relevant to the student’s planning education and must be approved by the Chairs of both departments.

Please review the UC Intercampus Exchange Program page for more information.

For each student who is on probationary status (grade point average falls below 3.0 for the term) or who is making insufficient progress toward the degree, a counseling board is established. The board consists of three faculty members, including the student’s advisor. The counseling board meets with the student at least once during each term as long as the student remains on probation. The board has the responsibility of reviewing the student’s record, determining strengths and weaknesses, and aiding the student in raising academic performance.

Students on probation, students admitted provisionally, or others not making sufficient progress toward the degree (e.g., part-time status or failing core courses) may be recommended for termination. Recommendations for termination may be made either by the counseling board through a written statement to the Department Chair or by the Department Chair, acting in consultation with the faculty advisor. Students recommended for termination may petition to have their situation reviewed by a three person faculty review board. The review board, which includes the faculty advisor and two other faculty members (one chosen by the Department Chair and one chosen by the student) reviews the formal record and conducts a personal interview. The board then makes written recommendations to the Department Chair. If students do not petition for a review board, or if the review board recommends termination, the recommendation is then made formally by the Department Chair to the Dean of the Graduate Division.

Department Policies

The Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) is fully accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board, a joint undertaking of the American Institute of Certified Planners and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Approximately 70 new students enroll in the program each fall.

The MURP degree is normally obtained after six quarters of full-time study. Students are also required to complete a 300-hour internship, usually completed in the summer between the first and second years. The length of the course of study depends upon the academic background and experience of the candidate.

On entering the program, all students must pass examinations indicating competence in basic mathematics and micro-economics before enrolling in UP 220A or UP 207. Students who do not pass either or both examinations should take Mathematics 1 and/or Economics 1, 5 or 11 at UCLA during their first year of studies. These courses do not count towards the Master’s degree. Students must then re-take the proficiency exams at the start of their second year before enrolling in UP 207 or UP 220A.

Master’s students must complete a minimum of 72 units (or 18 regular courses at 4 units per course). Urban Planning at UCLA is a full-time program and students are expected to take a minimum of 12 units (3 courses) in each of six terms in order to complete the program in two years. Students are generally not permitted to take less than 12 units (full time) in a term.

  • Independent Study (500 series) courses – Students may apply a maximum of 4 units of UP 597 or 598 (Preparation for Applied Research Project or Preparation for Thesis) and a maximum of 8 units of UP 596 (Independent Study) courses toward the MURP degree. Students must obtain permission from faculty supervisors in order to enroll in these courses.
  • Undergraduate (199 or less) Courses – Students may take one planning related upper-division (100-199) course per quarter by permission. Students who wish to use an upper-division course towards their degree must send the course syllabus or description to the graduate advisor prior to enrolling. While students are welcome to take lower-division (99 or less) courses, such as a language course, they cannot count towards the degree under any circumstance.
  • Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory GradingStudents may enroll for S/U grading in one graduate or upper division course each term in a course offered outside of Urban Planning with the consent of the instructor. Such courses may apply toward Urban Planning degree requirements, subject to departmental approval. This limitation does not apply to courses that offer S/U grading only. S/U graded courses in Urban Planning may not be applied toward the MURP degree, with the exception of courses that offer S/U grading only.
  • Other UC Campuses – Students may petition to apply planning-related courses completed with a grade of B or better while in graduate standing at other UC campuses, provided that these courses have not previously been used to satisfy the requirements for another degree. Such courses may fulfill up to one half of the total course requirement, one half of the graduate course requirement, and one third of the academic residence requirement.
  • University Extension – Students may petition to apply Urban Planning courses completed through concurrent enrollment in UNEX courses (UCLA Extension).  These courses must have been completed before entering the Urban Planning graduate program.
  • Non-UC Campuses – Students may petition to apply up to eight quarter units of planning-related course-work completed with a grade of B or better while in graduate standing at other colleges or universities, provided that these courses have not been applied previously to another degree. Such courses may only be applied to the total course requirement.

Students who have recently completed courses equivalent to one or more of the required courses may request a waiver or substitution.  Request procedures for waivers or substitutions vary by course (see below) and are considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who are approved to waive a course must make up the missing units with another course in order to meet the minimum unit requirement for the degree.

  • URBN PL 207, 220A, and 220B – Students who wish to waive these classes must complete the waiver examination (the 207 and 220A exams are offered during orientation, the 220B exam is offered mid-Fall quarter) in their first year. These courses cannot be substituted.
  • Waiving Other Courses – Students who wish to waive other courses must submit the syllabus (or syllabi if there was more than one course) and official grade report for the course they took. Submissions should be emailed to the course instructor and Graduate Advisor. Area of Concentration (AOC) courses can be waived using the procedure noted above. At minimum, students must take four area of concentration courses, therefore, if a student waives more than one AOC course they must replace at least one of them with an alternate AOC course.
  • Substituting Other Courses – If a student wishes to substitute a course they must reach out to the Graduate Advisor (for core courses) or the Area of Concentration Coordinator (for area of concentration requirements) to discuss the replacement course.

For any questions about the waiver or substitution policies contact the Graduate Advisor.

Students are required to submit a plan of study in the fall of their first and second year in the program. These plans of study will help the student, department, and faculty advisor assure timely progress to degree completion. First year plans of study must be signed by the faculty advisor and submitted to the department Graduate Advisor. Second year students are required to meet with the department Graduate Advisor to discuss degree completion. Plan of Study due dates will be emailed to the students each fall. 

Students who have completed the normal two-year residence requirements (which are not the same as the University residence requirements) but who have yet to complete all of the requirements for graduation may petition to remain in the program for one additional year in order to complete all remaining requirements. Such petitions require approval by the Department Chair and are only occasionally granted in truly extenuating circumstances.

Only students who have completed all of the requirements for the master’s degree in Urban Planning may participate in the commencement ceremonies. Specifically, students with outstanding “incomplete” grades in courses or who have not completed their capstone project will not be permitted to “walk” in the commencement ceremonies.

Faculty advisors are assigned in the summer before the start of the program. Matching is based on the probable compatibility of interests and availability of faculty.  Of course, if a student’s interests mature or change as they progress through the program they may decide to change advisors or work with a different faculty member on independent study courses (URBN PL 596). Such changes can be initiated only after consultation with, and approval by, the original and new faculty advisors. The formal change is made by emailing the Graduate Advisor and copying both the original and new faculty advisor.


The Urban Planning Program at UCLA, established in 1969, initiated a democratic form of governance, unique to the university system, which involves the active participation of faculty, staff, and students in the various administrative and programmatic functions of the school including admissions, financial aid, and staffing. Working Groups for each of these concerns, chaired by ladder faculty, meet regularly throughout the school year to discuss relevant issues and to make proposals and/or designate action. The Working Groups derive their mission and authority from the Assembly of Working Groups (a variation on the “town meeting” which meets at least once every quarter) both for ensuring a common information base within the program and to hear the proposals for changes in policy and/or degree requirements. The Assembly is open to the entire Urban Planning community with each member given voting privileges. The Working Group system has endured as a progressive approach to program development. Working Group membership is by voluntary sign-up.

This group is responsible for the content of the MURP academic programs in Urban Planning.   It reviews the curriculum and deals with suggestions for altering requirements, adding and deleting courses, restructuring examination procedures, etc.  The committee is responsible for reviewing all courses taught for the first time, all courses taught by visiting instructors, and all student initiated courses.  Proposals for official changes in degree requirements which are adopted by the Assembly of Working Groups must be forwarded to the UCLA Graduate Council for approval.

This group reviews all applications for admission to the Urban Planning MURP degree program.   After a mandatory training session in January, the group meets, usually for two separate one-day sessions in the Winter Quarter, to review applicants’ files.

This group meets to discuss recruitment policy and strategies, and also participates in recruitment events, many of which are held in the Fall Quarter, as well as a number of Open House events and other recruitment activities throughout the academic year.


All core courses must be completed during the first year of study (with the exception of the fieldwork course, UP 496). Students must petition in order to alter this schedule; such petitions require approval by the Graduate Advisor and are only occasionally granted in truly extenuating circumstances. Review Course Syllabi here.

See Department Policies for Waiver Information

URBN PL 207 Applied Microeconomics for Urban Planning (waiver by exam)
URBN PL 211 * Law and the Quality of Urban Life (waiver by permission from instructor)
URBN PL 220A Quantitative Analysis in Urban Planning I (waiver by exam; Prerequisite for 220B)
URBN PL 220B Quantitative Analysis in Urban Planning II (waiver by exam)
URBN PL 222A Introduction to Planning History and Theory (waiver by permission from instructor)
URBN PL 224 Racial Justice and Planning
Urbanization Course (selected one course by area of concentration):
URBN PL 236A Theories of Regional Economic Development (for RID students)
URBN PL 242 Poverty and Inequality (for CEDH students)
URBN PL M250 Transportation and Land Use: Urban Form (for TPP students)
URBN PL 265A Urban Environments and Socio-Ecologies (for EAP students)
URBN PL 281 Introduction to the History of the Built Environment in the U.S. (for D&D students)

*Students may substitute the following law classes for URBN PL 211 without a petition:

  • UP M202A and UP 202B /Law M286: Land Use Regulation
  • UP M264A and UP 264B /Law M290: Environmental Law
  • UP M203A and UP 203B /Law M526: Urban Housing
  • UP M240A and UP M240B/Law M285: Local Government Law

By petition, other Law or Management School classes may be used. See the Graduate Advisor for more information.

The Areas of Concentration consist of five courses (20 units). Students must complete the requirements for at least one area of concentration, but are encouraged to complete the requirements for additional areas of concentration during their course of study.

In special circumstances students may devise their own area of concentration in consultation with appropriate faculty members. Students must submit to their advisors a written statement outlining an area that falls outside existing offerings no later than the end of Winter Quarter of the first year. This statement should include:

  1. A set of objectives and reasons why the area does not fit into any of the five defined areas
  2. A set of at least five related courses available at UCLA,
  3. A bibliography pertaining to the area, and
  4. The endorsement of at least two professors agreeing to supervise.

Final approval of proposals for individual areas of concentration are granted by both the Director of the Master’s program and the Department Chair


Every Master’s student without substantial prior experience in planning (or a closely related field) must complete 300 total hours of professional planning fieldwork. Fieldwork is clinical or “real world” experience with a planning office, a private organization involved in planning, a community action agency, or applied planning research within a clinical context (excluding university-based research projects that lack a professional client and an applied practice focus).

Students fulfill this requirement by enrolling in four units of URBN PL 496 Independent Fieldwork while completing the fieldwork requirement or immediately thereafter.

Students must complete their fieldwork requirement by the end of Fall Quarter of their second year of study unless they have received written approval for a delay from the MURP Program Director (see the Graduate Advisor for more details). Most students complete the 300 hour requirement during the summer between the first and second years of study.

Overall, the fieldwork should provide the student with a wide variety of agency experiences. Ideally, the tenor of the fieldwork should be one of apprenticeship within the agency, or of collaboration between the student and a fieldwork supervisor. The supervisor, an individual within the agency who is responsible for giving guidance and advice to the student, is essential to a successful fieldwork experience.

University-based research projects that lack a professional client and an applied practice focus are not permitted for the fieldwork requirement. Students can intern with an internal center (Luskin or Lewis) only if they are supervised by a staff member. They cannot be supervised by a faculty member.

Each student and assignment is individual. Each relationship between the student and the fieldwork supervisor is unique. Students and projects vary. One student may have a major project within one department of the organization while another student may have several smaller projects from a variety of organizational sub-units. Some placements are predetermined and require the student to fit into the specified conditions. Other placements are flexible and built around the students’ specific skills and interests.

Regardless of the nature of the placement, the student’s work should be valued by the organization and make a contribution toward the organization’s goals and mission. Finally, the work should be flexible enough that the student can be exposed to a variety of meetings and decision-making processes at all levels of the organization.

Students should choose an internship based on their career aspirations. Fieldwork is a chance to gain more hands-on experience and give students a better understanding of their chosen professional field. Additionally, students should look for a fieldwork supervisor who has the inclination and ability to direct an individualized learning experience.

  • Handshake – Organizations often seek student assistance to complete special projects or are looking for part-time student work. Opportunities like these can be found on the Handshake website.
  • Luskin Fellowship/Internship Opportunities – Professional fellowship programs and select internship opportunities immerse students in leadership structures of various government agencies and nonprofit organizations. These highly competitive programs allow UCLA Luskin students a hands-on approach outside of the classroom.
  • Global Public AffairsFor those students interested in an international experience the International Pathways Program through Global Public Affairs can provide some support for connecting to resources and potential placements.
  • Department ListservThroughout the year the Department will email solicitations from organizations as they are received. Summer internship opportunities will begin to arrive around January/February and will continue through Spring Quarter.
  • Student DevelopmentStudents may develop a field experience on their own using their own professional networks and students are advised to consult with their faculty advisor, graduate advisor, and/or department chair before accepting a position to confirm that it will meet the requirements of the fieldwork experience.

Finding an appropriate fieldwork opportunity may take a lot of time and effort. Every student brings a different set of interests and experiences to the table. Likewise, every fieldwork opportunity offers a different set of tasks, skills and knowledge. A successful fieldwork experience is usually the result of optimum fit between a student’s interests and skills and the requirements of the organization or position. While the department will facilitate the search for a fieldwork opportunity through Handshake and emails, the final internship selection is determined by the student and the organization or agency.

This is a professional learning experience; therefore students are required to participate in the entire professional process including structuring resumes and cover letters, contacting potential fieldwork opportunities, interviewing, etc.

  • Resume/Cover LetterAll students must update their resumes in preparation for fieldwork. Students can refer to the Career Toolkit on the Luskin website, then schedule an appointment with a Luskin career counselor for further assistance.
  • Informational Interviews – During the Winter quarter, many students go on informational Students can make appointments with alumni as well as current and previous supervisors who enjoy advising students as they begin their careers. LinkedIn can also be a valuable resource for contacting potential employers. For many students, these interviews serve as an introduction to the professional field of urban planning. From now on, it is important that students think and behave as professionals. For many students, this process will also be the beginning of professional networking. Networking is a fundamental skill in the professional toolkit. Students will most likely meet many new contacts throughout their careers.
  • Final Selection – Students generally interview with several potential organizations, and organizations often interview several This provides both the student and the supervisor with an opportunity to assess the appropriateness of the fit and the learning opportunities. For those interested, the Career Services Director will conduct mock interviews with students prior to their interview with an organization.


All students are required to complete a Plan of Study by the end of the second week of classes in the Fall of their second year. In addition to tracking students’ course progress, the plan of study requires that the student report where they completed (or will be completing) their fieldwork.

Students receive course credit for their fieldwork experience by enrolling in four units of UP 496 Independent Fieldwork while completing the fieldwork requirement or immediately thereafter.  Students may enroll with their faculty advisor or another Urban Planning faculty member whose expertise may be related to their fieldwork.

Students must receive approval to enroll from the faculty member before enrolling in UP 496 (each faculty member has his/her own section).  Students who fulfill this requirement during the summer should enroll in UP 496 the Fall quarter following the completion of their 300 hours.

The grade for these units is based primarily on the student’s report and the Student Performance Evaluation. Remember that the fieldwork is a professional experience; all paperwork should be executed in a timely professional manner. Grading for UP 496 is S/U.

  • Report FormatTitle page naming project, fieldwork agency, fieldwork supervisor, student name and
  • Report Length – 2,500-5,000 words, double spaced, not including bibliography or Attach samples of products completed during field studies as appendices (if applicable).
  • Report Content – Students should relate what they have been studying in their classes with their professional planning fieldwork experience (See the department Graduate Advisor for a sample report). Students should include the following information:
    • A description of their responsibilities during the 300 hours
    • A description of their accomplishments during the 300 hours
    • The lessons they learned during the 300 hours
  • Student Performance Evaluation  – In addition to the report the student must obtain a performance evaluation from their fieldwork supervisor that assesses the work completed and confirms the successful completion of the 300 hours of fieldwork. Students who were admitted Fall 2017 or later MUST submit the Student Performance Evaluation. If you were admitted before Fall 2017 please contact the Graduate Advisor for details on your requirements. 
  •  Due Date – Both the report and performance evaluation are to be emailed to the faculty member and Graduate Advisor by finals week of the Fall Quarter of their second year in the MURP Program.

While some fieldwork opportunities will provide funding, most will not. Students should be prepared to self-support or explore outside funding opportunities. The Luskin School and Department have limited opportunities for fieldwork funding.

  • Global Public Affairs – The International Pathways Program through Global Public Affairs provides international placement support to several students each year.
  • Summer Financial Aid – Students who need additional loans for the summer session, while completing their fieldwork experience, can enroll in UP 496 during the summer in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students interested in this option should meet with the Graduate Advisor.

Students who have completed the equivalent of at least twelve-months of full-time professional experience at a responsible level prior to entering the program may petition to waive the fieldwork requirement.

Students who would like to waive the requirement should complete a report, in the form of a 1,500 to 2,500 word paper that evaluates the professional experience in light of the ideas and concepts covered in their courses. A copy of the students resumé, that specifies the positions and employment dates that justify the waiver must be attached to the report.

Waiver reports must be emailed to the Graduate Advisor by the end of the Fall quarter of your 2nd year. The waiver request will be evaluated by the Director of the MURP Program.

Students receiving a waiver of the fieldwork requirements must substitute other coursework in order to fulfill unit requirements for the degree. See the department Graduate Advisor for a sample waiver report.

Capstone Project

Students must complete a capstone project during the second year of their studies in one of four ways.  Students declare their capstone project option on the Second Year Plan of Study form at the beginning of the fall quarter of their second year. In some cases an application may be required. Students are not guaranteed admission into any of the capstone options.

The Master’s thesis is intended to provide the opportunity for independent scholarly research and should be the length and quality of a publishable journal article. Students who opt for this option should think about the thesis as a contribution to the field of academic literature in Urban Planning. The audience will primarily be planning researchers. Experience has shown that students meet the graduation deadline only if they begin serious thesis work early in Fall Quarter of their second year.

Academic credit for thesis preparation is given through four units of 208C (required of students selecting this option), and four units of 598. Students are required to apply for entry into URBN PL 208C before enrolling.

Thesis Resources:

The Applied Planning Research Project is a professional-quality examination of a real-world urban planning problem or issue. Guidance of this client-oriented project rests with, A faculty advisor (who serves as Chair of the committee), a UP 205A and B instructor, an outside client

While we strongly encourage students to seek oversight and input from the outside client, and we request that clients write a letter to the Graduate Advisor indicating that they are satisfied with the final draft, final approval of the project as satisfying the capstone project requirement rests entirely with three or four Urban Planning faculty; the faculty advisor/committee chair (who must be an UP faculty member), the UP 205A&B instructor(s), the MURP Program Director.

The product may take any form agreed on in advance (e.g., a report, film, computerized model, set of working drawings, etc.).   Students normally work on the projects alone.   If two or more students want to work on a project together, they must obtain permission from the Department Chair. In the case of group projects, individual contributions must be clearly identifiable.

In addition to the report, which is due around the end of the academic year, students are required to present a poster of their research at Careers, Capstones, and Conversations (CCC) a networking event held at the start of the Spring quarter.

Academic credit for the Applied Planning Research Project is through four units of UP 205A and four units of UP 205B. Both classes are graded on a letter grade basis. In the event that a student does not successfully complete the individual project, the student may petition to take the two-week comprehensive examination in order to satisfy the capstone plan requirement.

Examples of past projects

APRP Resources:

Students take courses UP 217A and 217B in their second year, normally during either the fall and winter, or winter and spring quarters. The sequence is taught by one or two Urban Planning faculty and the work is conducted in close cooperation with an outside client. If UP 217A and UP 217B have two instructors, the two instructors and the department chair serve as the three supervising faculty. If UP 217A and UP 217B have one instructor, then the instructor, the Director of the MURP Program, and the Department Chair serve as the three supervising faculty.

Project clients vary by year but typically incorporate topics that would be of interest to students from multiple areas of concertation. The project clients are announced in the Spring, the year before the project will begin.

** Comprehensive Projects usually require an application to participate due to limited space within each project. Applications are typically sent, by the Graduate Advisor, the summer before the academic year in which the projects will be offered. Accepted students are informed before the fall quarter. Students who do not get into their chosen project will have to select an alternative capstone project.**

In addition to a final report students are required to host a formal presentation of their work. This presentation is scheduled in conjunction with the course instructor(s) and client. The comprehensive project is a capstone project; therefore, students may not take the comprehensive project course in their first year of studies. Only students who will fulfill their capstone project requirement may take this class. Please review the comprehensive projects expectations for more information.

The Comprehensive Project classes are graded on an S/U basis. To receive a grade of S the level of the student’s work must be equivalent to a letter grade of B. In the event that a student does not successfully complete the group project, the student may petition to take the two-week comprehensive examination in order to satisfy the capstone plan requirement.

Prior Comprehensive Projects:

In the event that one of the above plans does not progress in a timely manner (as decided by the faculty and advisor) the student may petition to the department chair to take the two-week comprehensive examination. Students who wish to pursue this option must review and submit the departmental Two-Week Comprehensive Examination Contract which outlines the examination policies and procedures.

The exam is a simulated analytical exercise designed to demonstrate that the student has developed adequate skills in critical thinking, analysis, and written (and perhaps oral) presentation. This two-week exercise is similar to analytical work in professional contexts; planners are frequently asked to produce polished, comprehensive reports in very short time frames. The final product of this two-week exercise should reflect at least 80 hours of effort (two weeks of full time professional work).

Two-Week Examination Resources:

Capstone projects that involve the use of human subjects should consult the UCLA Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).

Students who select the Thesis Plan or Individual Project for their capstone requirements are required to present a poster at Careers, Capstone and Conversation: A Networking Event (CCC). The poster session is typically held in the first two weeks of the spring quarter.

2024 CCC

Date: Thursday, April 4th
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Location: Covel Commons, Grand Horizon Ballroom

Concurrent Degree Programs

The department of Urban Planning offers six concurrent degree programs. These programs allow students to pursue two degrees concurrently in less time than if pursued consecutively. Current students can apply for a change of major into the concurrent program during the Fall of their first year. If admitted into the other degree program students would change to a concurrent degree student in the Fall of their second year.

Please visit our Academic Programs page for additional information about all of the concurrent programs.

Certificate Programs

Urban Planning students are welcome to participate in one of the many certificate programs offered on campus. These programs allow graduate students to gain additional expertise in various areas related to urban planning. Generally, the certificate classes will also count as a general elective towards the degree. Please see the department Graduate Advisor to confirm.

Please visit our Academic Programs page for additional information about all of the certificate programs.