Astor on Gun Safety Education for Kids, Parents, Teachers
The shooting of a first-grade teacher in Virginia by her 6-year-old student opens up a broader conversation about gun violence, responsibility and education.
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But we are proud to say that Durriya Ahmed contributed 30 entries already.
The shooting of a first-grade teacher in Virginia by her 6-year-old student opens up a broader conversation about gun violence, responsibility and education.
His research found that non-white voucher holders moving into white suburbs does not cause crime rates to increase — but negative perceptions still have real consequences.
Investors that snap up properties are feeding off scarcity, he says. To keep housing affordable, cities must forge ahead on new construction “so rich people don’t buy it up.”
After a recent school shooting in Seattle, he points to a research-based vision for improving campus climate and preventing future tragedies.
Many voters are hesitant to support measures that require full understanding of a narrow issue, asking “Why is the ballot initiative process being used by a special interest?”
“This is about working together with an ideal of who we want to be as a society,” he says, stressing that he’s optimistic change can come.
While past reform efforts have been voted down, “there are moments when the public is willing to listen, to be engaged in the process. This could be one of those moments.”
TV drama launched in the post-George Floyd era could be a game-changer if it broadens its character depictions to better reflect reality.
“You want to find ways for everyone to win” instead of pitting groups against one another, he says.
Data shows major companies do not offer the same affordable and reliable internet access to low-income communities as they do to middle- and upper-income areas.
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