Career Paths Speaker Series: Aaron Ordower


Aaron is an urban policymaker dedicated to finding solutions to the climate crisis and expanding access to affordable housing. He has worked for a dozen years on program and policy development to achieve smarter urban growth which balances equitable economic development with environmental conservation. He has worked on these issues at organizations including the New […]

UCLA Arrowhead Series: Advancing Equity

This session will feature examples from agencies that have a track record of equity programs, projects, and actions that we should showcase.


Virtual Resource Fair

Virtual CA, United States

See what the university has to offer, as well as opportunities provided directly from UCLA Luskin, during the Virtual Resource Fair — available until Nov. 1.

A Conversation with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra

Virtual CA, United States

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Dean Gary Segura engage in a timely conversation about Becerra's role as the state’s chief law enforcement officer and what Californians should be looking to see in the future to keep their families and communities safe.