Hill Finds Lack of Diversity in L.A. Tech Industry
Report shows some improvements in representation but persistent pay disparities and lack of inclusion in tech companies surveyed by PledgeLA.
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But we are proud to say that Zoe Day contributed 704 entries already.
Report shows some improvements in representation but persistent pay disparities and lack of inclusion in tech companies surveyed by PledgeLA.
Transit officials in Washington, D.C., will vote on a policy that would temporarily ban people charged with sex and weapon offenses from accessing Metro services.
The company uses revenue from Amazon Web Services to provide low prices and fast delivery for consumers, a system that increases pressure on warehouse workers.
The future of DACA recipients will be determined by higher courts and the Biden administration after one federal judge found the program to be unlawful.
One option is congestion pricing, which forces drivers to be more conscious about when they are choosing to take up space on the road.
Newsom’s campaign should focus on building lasting relationships with the growing constituency of nonwhite voters in California, she said.
“I wanted to understand why parents might fail to invest in their children,” she said of her research in Indonesia and Ghana.
Despite the high cost of narrowing streets, the pros may outweigh the cons in large, affluent cities.
“You can’t just criminalize a condition that people can’t cure,” he says of the homelessness that plagues Los Angeles.
The L.A. County sheriff’s actions have alienated the liberal supporters who propelled him into office in 2018.
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