Luskin Career Bootcamp Equips Graduates for Job Search
The two-day series provided valuable insight to students and recent graduates about searching for a job, networking and interviewing for positions.
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But we are proud to say that Zoe Day contributed 704 entries already.
The two-day series provided valuable insight to students and recent graduates about searching for a job, networking and interviewing for positions.
Drive-thru and invisible checkout systems allow companies to track consumers to monitor their preferences and purchases.
Retail employers can market their positions as opportunities for advancement to attract those using the current worker shortage to demand better conditions.
Tightened security at common crossings like Tijuana and El Paso is designed to push migrants into more dangerous backcountry, he says. “That’s literally our stated policy.”
Autonomous vehicles allow for a role reversal where the vehicle caters to the unpredictability of the pedestrian.
An increase in gun violence could spark a public backlash against successful community policing programs and community partnerships, she fears.
Many households in Black, Latino and economically vulnerable neighborhoods have struggled to keep up with utility debt during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fostering supportive environments in schools and increasing support from teachers can help reduce the presence of weapons on campus, new research finds.
Planting trees in urban neighborhoods can help reduce temperatures, save lives and combat the urban heat island effect.
The FDA’s decision to ease restrictions on donations from men who have sex with men is a step in the right direction but still does not fully embrace modern science.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
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