three people outside large apartment complex

Establishing a Renter’s Right to Air Conditioning

A Smart Cities Dive article examining local policies that establish a renter’s right to cooling equipment cited two experts from the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, Gregory Pierce and V. Kelly Turner. A number of cities are mandating cooling requirements, but in many cases tenants are still on the hook for their energy bills. Pierce recommended that cities and utilities work together to make cooling more affordable, particularly during hotter weather. Turner said any equity-oriented program must involve listening to community members about the tough choices they must make, and she encouraged local governments to act swiftly: “The question is, ‘Can we get something on the books to at least give people a fighting chance of having a safe thermal environment?” A separate article by The Good Men Project cited a Center for Innovation report that found that, in California, 29% of renters, compared to 20% of homeowners, do not have central or room air conditioners.


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