Natalie Bau

Natalie Bau

Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy


Ph.D. in Public Policy, Harvard University
B.A. in Economics, Harvard University (Magna Cum Laude)

Areas of Interest:

Culture, Economics, Education, Industrial Organization, International Development, Quantitative Analysis


(310) 206-2552


Office Location:

9282, Bunche

Natalie Bau is an assistant professor of economics and public policy at UCLA. She is an economist studying topics in development and education economics and is particularly interested in the industrial organization of educational markets. She has studied private schooling and teacher compensation in Pakistan, the relationship between negotiation skills and girls’ educational outcomes in Zambia, and the interactions between educational investment and cultural traditions in Indonesia, Zambia, and Ghana.

Dr. Bau received her PhD in public policy from Harvard University, and is currently an affiliate of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and the Centre for Economic Policy and Research.  Prior to joining UCLA, she was an assistant professor of economics at the University of Toronto.

Personal Academic Website.