Shoup on Fix for L.A.’s Scary Sidewalks

UCLA Luskin’s Donald Shoup penned an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times about L.A.’s many miles of long-neglected and broken sidewalks. In it, he describes the 2028 Olympic city as an “obstacle course,” especially for people with disabilities. Shoup points out that, despite the 2016 settlement of an Americans With Disabilities Act lawsuit in which the city agreed to spend $1.4 billion over 30 years to make sidewalks accessible, less than 1% of Los Angeles’ sidewalks have actually been repaired while millions of dollars have been paid out in sidewalk-related injury settlements. Shoup offers a solution — which he says is not new — in which owners can defer paying for sidewalk repairs until they sell their property. Longstanding California law holds property owners responsible for maintaining adjacent sidewalks, which he argues is too costly for many Angelenos. However, he writes, “fortunately, there is a fair and efficient way to solve the property owners’ cash-flow problems: pay-on-exit.”


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