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36 search results for: adeney zo
Marvin J. Southard Named 2016 Social Welfare Alumnus of the Year Joseph A. Nunn Award goes to DSW 83 grad, the former director of the L.A. County Department of Mental Health
/0 Comments/in School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare, Social Welfare News, Uncategorized/by Les DunseithExamining the Link Between Gun Laws and Suicides Luskin professor and his student find that states with most-restrictive gun laws have a reduced rate of firearm suicides among older males
/0 Comments/in Social Welfare, Social Welfare News/by Les DunseithIPP Bridges Studies to Global Career International Practice Pathways (IPP) offers internships to students across the globe.
/0 Comments/in For Students, School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare, Urban Planning/by Joe LukNew Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Award Advances UCLA Luskin’s Mission of Social Justice The new Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Social Justice Award was created to advance research that focuses on issues of racial justice and inequality
/0 Comments/in For Students, Public Policy, School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare, Social Welfare News/by Joe LukBy Adeney Zo
Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., served as dean of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs for seven years, and his legacy here continues to inspire and provide support for Luskin students.
Through the efforts of members of …
Kelcie Ralph Wins UCCONNECT Outstanding Student of the Year
/0 Comments/in For Students, School of Public Affairs, Transportation, Urban Planning/by Joe LukMeet the 2015-2016 class of Luskin Senior Fellows Students and faculty met with Senior Fellows, members of the community that serve as mentors and advisors to UCLA Luskin.
/0 Comments/in Public Policy, School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare, Urban Planning/by Joe LukMichael Storper Publishes New Book on Urban Economies Urban Planning Professor Michael Storper offers a comprehensive look at the two cities from past to present
/0 Comments/in Urban Planning Michael Storper/by Joe LukPublic Policy Student Earns LeadersUp Fellowship Opportunity to conduct research on business investment
/0 Comments/in Public Policy, School of Public Affairs, Updated/by Joe LukHolloway Earns Hellman Fellowship for LGBT Research Research grant awarded for studies in LGBT welfare
/0 Comments/in School of Public Affairs, Social Welfare, Updated Ian Holloway/by Joe LukContact
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3250 Public Affairs Building - Box 951656
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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