Torres-Gil on Ageism in Electoral Politics
“We still have a relatively ageist and ableist society where if you look old and act disabled, it creates a more negative impression,” the UCLA scholar says.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Mary Braswell contributed 1055 entries already.
“We still have a relatively ageist and ableist society where if you look old and act disabled, it creates a more negative impression,” the UCLA scholar says.
The UCLA social welfare and education scholar is honored for his far-reaching impact on school climate, social-emotional learning and social justice.
Funding for 3,000 shelters and 450 shade structures across the city is welcome news, says Madeline Brozen of the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies at UCLA Luskin.
While wages are not increasing as fast as inflation, national jobless rates remain relatively low, says Robert Fairlie, chair of Public Policy at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs.
Different environments demand different transit planning strategies, says Brian Taylor of the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies.
Members of the UCLA Luskin community join a campuswide effort to guide the LADWP as it seeks to hit its goal of 100% carbon-neutral energy by 2035.
Mental health services and programs that counter antisemitism and Islamophobia are part of a plan to address strains caused by hostilities in Israel and Gaza.
Eight with ties to the Luskin School are among 40 honored by the UCLA Alumni Association.
Cities across the country are adopting new ways of valuing urban real estate and reinvesting in local communities.
As the world warms, campuses can serve as community resources, especially for kids who come from historically disinvested and disadvantaged communities.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
3250 Public Affairs Building - Box 951656
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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