LPPI Study on Coronavirus Impact on Minorities Is Distributed to Associated Press Outlets
Story cites study’s finding that 40% of black people and Latinos reside in neighborhoods where they are more susceptible to the coronavirus.
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But we are proud to say that Zoe Day contributed 704 entries already.
Story cites study’s finding that 40% of black people and Latinos reside in neighborhoods where they are more susceptible to the coronavirus.
Many sex workers have transitioned to online services during the pandemic to make ends meet.
After 170 years of growth, California may be hitting its population peak. The decline may quicken if pandemic and recession persist.
The American Institutes for Research program seeks to engage graduate students who reflect the racial, cultural and socioeconomic diversity of their communities.
Even as the lockdown is lifted, fear of infection keeps many from engaging in activities such as grocery shopping and walking to a neighborhood park.
Reports of online child sex abuse have increased dramatically since lockdown began as sexual predators exploit isolated children.
Book chronicles the legacy of student activism that led to the creation of Asian American Studies programs on California campuses half a century ago.
A combination of tools, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, must be implemented to address the specific needs of different neighborhoods.
As businesses reopen, new capacity limits and social distancing rules may result in longer lines. Urban planners can help find solutions for overcrowded sidewalks.
Financial stress as a result of the coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on electric vehicle sales, but some states are considering sustainable stimulus packages.
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