Coronavirus Threatens Latino Homeownership, Diaz Says
The racial wealth gap will widen as renters face eviction as well as a major hit to their credit scores, hurting their ability to build wealth for years to come.
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But we are proud to say that Zoe Day contributed 704 entries already.
The racial wealth gap will widen as renters face eviction as well as a major hit to their credit scores, hurting their ability to build wealth for years to come.
Emphasizing his experience on health and economic issues may help Biden beat Trump in the upcoming presidential election.
New data show that the majority of the major water quality problems in Los Angeles County can be traced back to the Antelope Valley.
As some officers are accused of targeting minorities more than white protesters for violating “stay-at-home” orders, she says LAPD has shown restraint.
In some areas, zoning laws have become “an instrument for people who are currently in a neighborhood … to keep other people out,” he says.
Outbreaks on tribal lands are largely ignored by the federal government, mainstream media and tracking web sites, researchers find.
Stay-at-home orders have dramatically reduced vehicle volume in Los Angeles, but experts predict congestion will return post-pandemic.
In places where information is censored, citizens turn to banned networks for reliable updates on COVID-19.
While the law’s provisions would gain wide popularity, its complexity kept most people from understanding how they would be affected, he says.
In conversation with UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh, he explores present and past questions about curbing liberties during emergencies.
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