Yaroslavsky on What’s Next for Los Angeles
He makes a case for a homelessness czar to cut through bureaucracy and weighs in on a measure that would curb a sheriff’s power.
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But we are proud to say that Mary Braswell contributed 1057 entries already.
He makes a case for a homelessness czar to cut through bureaucracy and weighs in on a measure that would curb a sheriff’s power.
The executive director of the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute brings perspective to midterm election results at the local, state and national level.
“The United States did not get into the position where it is now overnight. It took a while to get there, and it will take a while to get out.”
Californians rejected the measure to fight climate change by taxing the rich, amid conflicting claims about the initiative’s intent.
The actor, author, public servant and UCLA alumnus shares his multilayered life story with a Luskin Lecture audience.
Communities of color are more likely to support proposals to prevent crime through school, jobs and gun control rather than an increased police presence, he says.
While housing, homelessness and public safety have been central issues in the mayor’s race, the leaked audio of city leaders’ racist conversation has become a wild-card factor.
His research as part of UCLA’s Initiative to Study Hate will explore how extremists painstakingly attempt to back up racist views with scientific claims.
Research will identify effective strategies for supporting adolescents and young adults who are working to create a more just and equitable society.
Nationwide project led by Laura Abrams of UCLA Social Welfare will focus on people convicted of offenses committed when they were under 18.
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