Matute on Low-Speed Travel Network Plans
A new resolution by the South Bay Cities Council of Governments would designate certain streets for slow-moving neighborhood electric vehicles.
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But we are proud to say that Zoe Day contributed 704 entries already.
A new resolution by the South Bay Cities Council of Governments would designate certain streets for slow-moving neighborhood electric vehicles.
As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, some businesses are struggling to get workers to return, but markets have a way of balancing themselves out, he says.
Policies that do not heed research and respect the rights of sex workers can have unintended consequences that harm the health of communities.
GOP-led efforts to restrict voting prompted scholars of democracy to release a statement demanding federal protections for fair elections and the right to vote.
Investing in law enforcement may save Black lives but also increases arrests for low-level offenses and risks of intensive policing, research shows.
“We need real change … so that people can feel safe,” she says as fight against police brutality and systemic racism continues.
Los Angeles accelerated construction of many mass transit projects during the pandemic in hopes of increasing ridership across all demographics.
Kassandra Hernández MPP ’20 makes relevant research about the impacts of COVID-19 accessible to a Spanish-speaking community
In San Diego, the elimination of parking requirements led to an increase in housing development and affordable housing units.
The Los Angeles mayor set impressive goals for improving mobility and safer streets, but implementation of the plans fell short.
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