Tilly on Working Conditions in the Retail Sector
Can market forces alone bring change to a sector known for low wages, high turnover and erratic schedules — or are broader societal reforms needed?
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But we are proud to say that Mary Braswell contributed 1057 entries already.
Can market forces alone bring change to a sector known for low wages, high turnover and erratic schedules — or are broader societal reforms needed?
UCLA Luskin’s Vinit Mukhija shares his research on single-family neighborhoods that have been transformed by the pressing need to house more people.
Children, older adults, low-income families and public transit riders may have less capacity to adapt when temperatures rise to perilous levels, says UCLA’s V. Kelly Turner.
Increasing the availability of vehicles to low-income drivers is an important step toward reducing economic inequality, research by UCLA Luskin urban planning scholars shows.
Four broad employment sectors are either shrinking or stagnant, particularly residential construction and related industries. Is this an early sign of a nationwide downturn?
UCLA Luskin Urban Planning scholars are honored for their innovative approaches to parking reform and transportation policy.
Laura Abrams and Elizabeth Barnert will help design and implement “Stepping Home,” part of California’s efforts to reform its juvenile legal system.
“If anyone says that they know the way out of this difficult situation, they’re fooling themselves,” he says.
Hesitation among Black Americans to use crowdsourcing sites to help cover health care costs stems in part from a reluctance to reinforce negative stereotypes.
The core course for the UCLA Luskin gerontology minor will explore human aging through disciplines including biology, anthropology, psychology, policy and public health.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
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Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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