Luskin School Reaches Top 10 Among Public Affairs Schools Nationwide Subcategory rankings include seventh in urban policy and ninth in social policy
Subcategory rankings include seventh in urban policy and ninth in social policy.
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But we are proud to say that Mary Braswell contributed 1057 entries already.
Subcategory rankings include seventh in urban policy and ninth in social policy.
“Mentoring is a two-way street” for the longtime UCLA Luskin urban planning professor.
The state’s expansion of social services and behavioral programs could be a model for bringing down rates of school violence elsewhere.
UCLA Luskin researchers and Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated plan to implement the recommendations over five years.
Top officials join scholars and advocates to tackle the region’s most pressing problems at the fifth annual UCLA Luskin Summit.
She was a respected UC geographer and professor emerita at UC Santa Cruz who focused on water and the environment in California.
Former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, first elected at age 26, now champions reforms to battle income inequality.
“She’s passionate about outreach to underserved populations and transport impacts on disadvantaged communities.” — Zephyr Foundation prize announcement
“I need you here in L.A. doing the best work that you can do and then let’s be in dialogue with each other to build the future we want,” says UC Regents’ Lecturer Kali Akuno.
UCLA study shows a steep decline in day-to-day violence on school campuses over the last two decades, as social, emotional and mental health resources have expanded.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
3250 Public Affairs Building - Box 951656
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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