GPA Talk: Policy to Results
Seema Manghee of World Bank says governments know how to provide services, but ‘it is quite difficult to move from a policy statement to actual results.’
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Les Dunseith contributed 394 entries already.
Seema Manghee of World Bank says governments know how to provide services, but ‘it is quite difficult to move from a policy statement to actual results.’
Recent addition to the UCLA Luskin Urban Planning faculty will also lead the Asian American Studies Center at UCLA.
Public Policy students chat with fellowship providers Calvin “Cal” Gross and Marilyn Gross.
Presentation by Antoine Cormount of Sciences Po university in Paris focuses on conflict when firms and governments use data sets differently.
Presenters at UCLA Luskin talk about their careers and their commitment to bettering the lives of people in their communities, and offer advice to current students.
The California Legislature’s newest member, Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo, visits UCLA Luskin.
Expert panelists at UCLA Luskin Social Welfare event laud recent moves to divert more youth from the criminal justice system and into programs that help them transform their lives
The former military analyst who was jailed for sharing classified documents with Wikileaks speaks in front of a crowd of 1,000 at Royce Hall
Nanette Barragán ’00, U.S. representative for the 44th Congressional District, is looking to inspire the next generation of women
Housing costs have become unmanageable, and three panelists at UCLA Luskin discuss how policy could help ease the burden for renters
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