Students Present Research on Child Welfare Issues
Yearlong research projects were developed by students in Social Welfare’s CalSWEC Public Child Welfare program.
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But we are proud to say that Les Dunseith contributed 394 entries already.
Yearlong research projects were developed by students in Social Welfare’s CalSWEC Public Child Welfare program.
Two-day UCLA Luskin Lecture event champions academic research to help community activists promote societal change
Annual Super Quiz Bowl brings out UCLA Luskin’s best — and most competitive — for an evening of brain-teasing questions and hearty laughter
Recent gifts and other highlights from the Board of Advisors and other supporters of UCLA Luskin
Latino Policy & Politics Initiative at UCLA Luskin fills a critical research gap and provides a think tank around political, social and economic issues
Diplomat in Residence Heather Joy Thompson tells students about the prospects and joys of working for the U.S. State Department
Annual conference at UCLA Luskin increases awareness and shares information about working with the Latinx community
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Balancing the citizenry’s wants with the state’s needs is critical for a successful society, says 2018 Perloff lecturer Daron Acemoglu
Recruitment effort will enlarge the size of the full-time faculty by almost 20 percent, adding new expertise and greater diversity
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
3250 Public Affairs Building - Box 951656
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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