Roy on Rise of Radical Democracy in Troubled Times
Freedom dreams are thriving, powered not by elite institutions but by grassroots activism and poor-people’s movements, she says.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Mary Braswell contributed 1055 entries already.
Freedom dreams are thriving, powered not by elite institutions but by grassroots activism and poor-people’s movements, she says.
L.A. County is considering eliminating fares on public transportation to boost ridership and cut emissions.
UCLA team joins lawyers suing Yakima, Washington, over a “strong mayor” ballot proposal.
A dialogue hosted by Zócalo/UCLA Downtown explores the hurdles communities face in managing the pot market.
A Westlake park designed for older adults brings UCLA Luskin research to life
He weighs in on testing of pipes and plumbing at public schools and perceptions that tap water is unsafe.
“If we are serious about reducing congestion, something like this is what we have to do,” he says.
Public Policy’s Mark Peterson offers tips for navigating political conversations without getting mired in disagreement.
He notes that New York is the only major city in the country that does not offer some form of residential parking permit.
Questions about women’s issues and African American voters were astute and politically significant, he says.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
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