Hecht on 50 Years of Engagement with Amazonia
Viewing the Amazon as a ‘frontier’ doesn’t reflect reality, says UCLA political ecology expert.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Stan Paul contributed 237 entries already.
Viewing the Amazon as a ‘frontier’ doesn’t reflect reality, says UCLA political ecology expert.
‘The main message I think for the younger kids is that we’re doing everything we can to take care of you,’ says UCLA school violence expert.
After more than a decade of declining rates of suicide among young Black adults, researchers find an alarming increase since 2013.
Author and UCLA Luskin doctoral student M. Nolan Gray argues for abolishment of America’s “arbitrary lines.”
Whitney Willis, who manages a diverse portfolio of responsibilities at two prominent research centers, is recognized for her positive impact.
UCLA-led analysis highlights gaps in municipal planning for often dangerous heat
Use of firearms, alcohol consumption are common factors in these deaths, say UCLA and CDC researchers.
Berggruen Governance Index assesses the quality of democracy and measures the quality of life in 134 nations
Between 2003 and 2018, the proportion of suicides that were alcohol-involved significantly increased for women of all ages.
Enhanced reputation is an indicator of ongoing work to meet and exceed high expectations for Luskin School and its Social Welfare programs.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
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Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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