UCLA Luskin Again Ranks High Among U.S. Graduate Programs
The School retains No. 14 spot in the ratings while moving up to No. 13 in the social work category.
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But we are proud to say that Stan Paul contributed 237 entries already.
The School retains No. 14 spot in the ratings while moving up to No. 13 in the social work category.
With dysfunctional government and Election 2020 firing up interest in politics, faculty stress importance of getting involved
The 15th annual UCLA Luskin Day at Los Angeles City Hall focused on how global warming impacts planning and policy at the local level.
The UCLA Luskin professor of urban planning is honored for her pioneering research on the Amazon rain forest.
The new Social Welfare professor will bring expertise in topics such as school violence, bullying and positive well-being
UCLA Luskin faculty additions bring new expertise to help keep pace with a rapidly evolving society
Nissan’s former chairman was recently arrested in Japan on allegations of financial wrongdoing.
‘Parking and the City’ continues to earn accolades from planning scholars, practitioners and press
Latest recognition is the third national early career award received by the new member of the UCLA Luskin faculty.
Former MPP students credit policy lessons learned on campus with helping them garner votes during 2018 midterm races
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
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Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
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